What I have been reading - 10th June 2022

Here’s what I found useful over the past few weeks:

A retirement safe from climate change?:  This article, particularly the section on insurance, is pertinent to home owners in Cayman.

Different Kinds of BS:  Wise words, as always, from Morgan Housel.

Lessons from the Melissa Caddick Scandal:  A Ponzi scheme in Australia has caught the nation's attention. There is always something to learn from these cases, and this article does a good job of pointing out the lessons. The unifying feature of any scam is 'if it sounds too good to be true, it's always is'.

Widow Brain: What to Expect After Your Spouse Dies & 9 Ideas to Help:  This article really gets to the heart of what many widows experience - share it with anyone you know who is going through this sadness and grief in their life.

Compounding in the Stock Market is Messy:  Everyone has heard the term 'compounding' but it's not always an easy concept to understand. Ben Carlson explains it well here.

Why Perfectionism Ruins Portfolios:  "It took me far too long to realize smart investing is not about addition, but subtraction." This article embodies the Liberty Wealth philosophy.

IQ Isn't Enough:  Warren Buffett always stresses that investing is not about IQ - you need to be smart, but not a genius. So, if it's not IQ alone, what else is it? Here the author explains what factors lead to investing success. Whilst it may not be an exhaustive list, certainly all four things are true.

That's a Stress Response:  This is a personal account of stress, but will resonate with many people. "Bodies don't gauge their stress response in comparison to other body's hardships. They're not logical, at least not in that way. My intense stress may have been less than others', in other words, but that didn't diminish how my body was internalizing it."




Georgina Loxton