What we have been reading - 22nd May 2023

Here's a selection of articles that we enjoyed reading recently:

Frugal Man Buys a $52,000 Car - Why?:  Mr Money Mustache was, some say, responsible for the FIRE movement - that is, cutting your expenses back so far that you can retire in your 30s or 40s. I love the perspective he brings here as he works through his decision to buy a premium car.
Some Things I Think:  A collection of Morgan Housel's thoughts - and it's powerful stuff. This is one of my favourites: "Many people check their portfolios every day but their blood pressure every few years, if even that."

A longer life often means a worse death: This is a good article to read in conjunction with our blog post this week. 

The Mansion Next Door:  Just a little reminder. 

You and Your Adult Child: How to Grow Together in Challenging Times:  This is an interesting angle of parenting (and finances).

Roughly Right or Precisely Wrong:  Ben Carlson shows an amazing chart in this post which highlights the critical importance of JUST KEEP BUYING even when things are really bleak (especially when things are bleak).  

The Case for International Diversification:  AIl our clients are internationally diversified and this article does a brilliant job of explaining, in simple terms, why. It's the only free lunch in investing.

The Health Tests You Need at Age 30, 40 and 50:  As Morgan Housel said, what's the point in checking your portfolio every day or week if you are not getting basic health screening done? If you want to take screening to the next level ask me about the screening I just did...


Georgie, Guy and Danielle

Georgina Loxton