What I have been reading - 25th August 2022

Here’s what caught my eye recently:

Why You'll Probably Never Run Out of Money: If you are stuck in the 'I'll just work for one more year' rut, this article is for you. Just. Quit. The. Job.

The Survival Instinct of Money: A brilliant article about how to manage the survival instinct of money, which lives in us all. "The more money you have, the more you have to preserve. And the more you have to preserve, the more fear that surrounds its potential loss."

Same As It Ever Was: This is a wonderfully rational assessment of where we currently are in markets. "Investing is not easy and anyone who tells you otherwise is lying. It is hard to buy when every bone in your body is screaming no. It is hard to be greedy when everyone else is fearful. It is easy to find the bad news because it is in your face all the time. Bad news gets clicks and readers. Good news is hard to find and gets ignored when it is."

Pickleball, Sport of the Future Injury?: Watch out all you Pickleball players!

Ben's 4 Common Sense Rules of Investing: My answer when asked what the stock market will do is 'mostly go up but sometimes go down'. But honestly, it's about as close to the truth as we can get, as Ben Carlson explains here.

How to spot fake reviews on Amazon: Useful tips here if you are a regular Amazon shopper.

Treats and Rewards: The problem with a cycle of treats and rewards when trying to achieve financial independence.

Alex Honnold, The World's Boldest Climber Just Became A Dad. Now What? I watched Alex climb El Capitan in Free Solo a few hours after standing at the bottom of the face of rock and looking up at it, truly awe struck. I have been fascinated by him ever since.




Georgina Loxton